Opening of Student’s Creativity Program 2017 Workshop by Dr. Drs. I Nengah Punia, M.Si was accompanied by the Governor of Students Executive Board, Faculty of Social and Political Science and the chairman of the committee.


Denpasar - Thursday (22/09), Students Executive Board, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Udayana University held back the workshop of Student’s Creativity Program. The event that took place in Agrocomplex Building, Sudirman, was mostly followed by freshmen of class of 2017. Besides, the students of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, it was also attended representatives of Faculty of Social and Political Science’s Lecturers and the student’s instituion of  campus.

Dr. Drs. I Nengah Punia, M.Si revealed that he highly appreciated the Student’s Creativity Program Workshop 2017 organized by the Students Executive Board. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences who seem still appertain as a new faculty, the quantity of the number of students is not inferior to many other faculties. Nevertheless, besides of the quantity, the student quality is also very important. Through the training of Student’s Creativity Program is expected to improve the quality of students of Faculty of Social and Political Science in academic field.

"In the form of quantity has not been asked more, although Faculty of Social and Political Science classified as a new faculty. But, that must be considered at this time is how to improve the quality of the students, one with the Student’s Creativity Program" he clearly said when giving speech on the podium.

Ni Luh Gede Padma Pratiwi when presenting material about Student’s Creativity Program

The enthusiasm of students is increasingly visible when the speakers provided tips and tricks of Student’s Creativity Program to qualify in the National Student Scientific Week or commonly referred as PIMNAS. The speaker is not a lecturer anymore, but directly from Udayana students who have passed PIMNAS. She is Ni Luh Gede Padma Pratiwi, student of Nursing Udayana University, class of 2014.

The student who got the gold medal in Student’s Creativity Program, in the event in 2016 is distributing tips and tricks to pass the Student’s Creativity Program PIMNAS to the participants. Among them are in the making of Student’s Creativity Program, is the willingness to write, reproduce reading literature journal, looking for groups that can be invited to work together, multiply discussions, make interesting titles (unique), guidance with lecturers, and lastly there is a good writing and appropriate.

More than that, Padma said that through the programevent, she got a lot of rewards. Among them are undergraduate thesis free and scholarship guarantee to continue the nexr level of postgraduate program.

"A lot of rewards that I get when winning this PKM. I can be free of undergraduate thesis, postgraduate scholarship, and can improve Udayana University's rattling from top 30 to top 10," she clearly explained when giving Student’s Creativity Program material. (Ism)