KMPA (Concerned Aid Student Group) FK UNUD Successfully Held Regional Seminar

The ambience of delivery of materials by one of the speakers in the Regional Seminar KMPA Faculty of Medicine Udayana University

In order to meet the annual work program, Concerned Aid Group Student (KMPA) Faculty of Medicine Udayana University held Regional Seminar. This activity took place in Lecture Hall 4:01 to 4:02, Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana. This activity was attended by invitees namely Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Medicine Udayana who represented the Head of Sub Division (Subsection) Student Faculty of Medicine Udayana who also opened the event, and the Head of the Institute in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana. This activity was held on March 19, 2016. On this occasion, the Regional Seminar held by KMPA with theme "Moms and HIV & AIDS: Management and Empowering Housewives to Enhance Awareness of HIV and AIDS".

The seminar, which took place from 08.00 pm presented two speakers: dr. Luh Putu Upadisari coming from Rama Sesana Foundation (YRS) and a regular doctor dealing with female genital disease in Pasar Badung, will speak on “Empowerment Housewife in the Prevention of HIV/AIDS in the family”. Furthermore, also presented speaker, dr. I Ketut Agus Somia, Sp.PD, K.PTI. which is a pediatrician HIV/AIDS brought the material on “The management of HIV / AIDS on Housewives and Pregnancy”. In this event, also held in the form of discussion where open questions and answer session for the participants who wished to ask the presenters.

The event was quite successful and welcomed by many, seen from the participants who joined the event reached 190 participants in attendance. They come from various backgrounds, Group Students AIDS Care and Drugs (KSPAN) 4, KSPAN 5, KSPAN PGRI 2, AKPERKESDAM, Teachers' Training College, and of course from own students of the Faculty of Medicine Udayana. It took two months to prepare its long continuity of this event, starting from the formation of the committee, finding ideas, determine the speaker, as well as ticket sales of this Regional Seminar. According Agastya, as Head of KMPA, this event is very important to be held since there are many ordinary people who do not know exactly how the virus spread of HIV/AIDS itself. So through this regional seminar is expected that the participants can receive the material well and help the people around it and to share knowledge and information related to the spread of HIV AIDS. (lie)