The Urban Village Head of Sumerta Appreciated the History Student Do Research in His Village

Ida Pedande Gde Putra Bajing, the Urban Village Head of Sumerta Gave Knowledge to the History Student of Udayana in the District Office

Denpasar-Thursday (9 March), Dr. I Nyoman Wijaya, M.Hum as a lecturer of the History Department invited the History student to do the field research about the social and cultural history in managing immigration in Sub Sumerta. It is conducted in order to train students to practice methods and theories given during the study. There is around 15 students did interview and observed Sumerta society today. The results of this research will be as reference to policy makers who want to use the cultural potential in managing migration policy.

Reinaldo Fahmi Zackaria, One of the History Students when Interviewing Society in Sumerta

Ida Pedande Gde Putra Bajing as the Urban Village Head of Sumerta welcomed the arrival of the History students of Udayana. “I really appreciate students who are interested in doing research in our village. Sumerta is one of the regions known as the arts, customs, and culture that can attract the other people or migrant to stay here. Besides, there are also foreigners who attract our region. Most of them love Balinese arts. Furthermore, foreigners are able to show Balinese arts,” he stated when gave knowledge to the History students.

Indeed, culture is familiar to Bali. But what is the culture without history. “In this modern era, many students are interested in the field of tourism and economy because it is considered more profitable. Not all who want to study about culture and history, as an example is the History students at Udayana nowadays nearly 70% are from outside Bali. Do not be surprised if the next few year foreigners will know more about the Balinese culture than Balinese children,” I Nyoman Wijaya stated. It gives reflection to the young generations for loving and conserving their cultures.

Cultures are born from the human habits. Cultures will exist because of the human habits. Habits keep them running. And culture will be lost due to the human habits. The human habits forget their identity. (manik)