Social Media and the Young Generation Nowadays

Social media is one of the ways to communicate in this modern time. The use of social media is usually used by people, especially the young generations. However, does it give positive impact to the young generation? What is the opinion of Udayana’s communications expert? This is the opinion of communication lecturer at Udayana University, Ida Joni.

Social media is usually used by the young generations; this application is owned by people who have smartphones. Based on the role, social media has wider role for the young generations nowadays. The roles of the social media are as the information source, education, entertainment. Those things can give many impacts to the young generations’ lives.

First, social media is as the information source means people will get information easily. It is because the information spreads rapidly from one person to another. Second, social media gives education to the people who have owned it. It gives positive impact to the young generations it is because people have much knowledge from the information that has been got. Third, social media is as the entertainment. It gives many entertainments such as video and many applications such as Instagram.

Moreover, if we know the characteristics of social media, we also know the role of social media that can influence the young generations’ thinking. The spread of information in the social media can give positive and negative impacts, for example the young generations usually adopt the other people’s behavior that they have seen in the social media, such as appearance and dating styles. Therefore, the young generations must be smart in using social media.

Based on the use of the social media, it can be said that social media has important role in the society. However, it has to be used wisely. The young generations nowadays have to be smart in choosing the information that has been got. It can be done by checking the information source that has been got and it is the good things to be done.

Social media, nowadays, gives some impacts to the young generations. The example of positive impact is people can earn money from their business in the social media. Furthermore, the example of the negative impact is people believe the information that they have been got from the social media without filtering it. People also have dependency on smartphones which can harm themselves.

One thing that becomes the main focus is social media can reduce the ability in communication directly. This impact usually happens in our daily life, the young generations prefer to use social media rather than communicate directly. Therefore, it is expected that the young generations will be more wisely in using social media. It is to avoid the negative impact. (manik)