UNUD Exhibits Students' Products in Bali Development Exhibition

A stand of Udayana University with very attractive decoration

In the event of Bali Development Exhibition 2016, Udayana University participated in this event. This event took place from July 14, 2016 - August 23, 2016, which was held in Arts Centre Denpasar. Udayana University participated by opening a stand that showed the products produced by students of Udayana University, as well as presenting books of culture.

The products exhibited by Udayana University

The products shown by Udayana University were the products produced by the students such as loloh cemcem, tea from soursop leaf, pia salak, noodle from purple sweet potato, and the other products that are beneficial for health. There was also information about the benefits of the products showcased. It was very helpful for people who do not know about the benefits of those products.

Some books exhibited by Udayana University

In addition to the student-made products, there were also the books exhibition related to the science of culture and literature. This could be useful for people who want to learn or enhance knowledge about the science of culture and literature. It was also used as a promotional event of Udayana University to the public that the students of Udayana University are able to work innovatively and creatively. (naristadevi)