FMIPA carries out the Impression of Graduates for the April 2022 Period


Tuesday 19 April 2022, located in the Nusantara Room, Agrokompleks Building IV Floor, Unud Sudirman Campus, FMIPA carried out the first offline impression of prospective graduates since the Covid-19 Pandemic. The event was attended by the Dean, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Representatives of the Senate Chair, UP2M Chair, UP3M Chair, UPIKS Chair, Head of Cooperation Units, Study Program Coordinators, and parents of students is a routine event held carried out before the graduation ceremony at the university level.


The arrangement for the Release of Impressions for Candidates for the April 2022 Period are Cendrawasih dance performances from FMIPA students as the opening dance, Singing the National Anthem of Indonesia Raya and the Udayana Hymn, Prayers, Reports from the Chairman of the Committee as well as reading of the Graduation Decree, Speech by the Dean of FMIPA, Giving souvenirs. memories to the best graduates of FMMIPA, conveying impressions and messages from prospective graduates represented by the best graduates, handing over placards to prospective graduates, conveying impressions and messages from representatives of parents of the best graduates, handing over minutes of alumni handover, photo, and closing sessions.

The vice dean for academics and planning as the chairman of the committee  Dr. Drs. G.K Gandhiadi, M.T, was impressed, conveyed the Chancellor's Decree No. 191/UN14.2.8/HK/2022 regarding the release of FMIPA UNUD students for the April 2022 period wherein this release, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNUD released a total of 41 prospective graduates who consisting of 1 Master of Biology, 19 Pharmacist professions, 2 Chemistry undergraduate students, 6 Physics undergraduate students, 3 Biology undergraduate students, 6 Mathematics undergraduate students, 4 Pharmacy undergraduate students. Of the 41 graduates, the best graduate was Made ade Cahya Kartika Dewi, S.Si. from the Bachelor of Chemistry study program with a GPA. 3.93, and the length of study is 8 semesters.


Dean of FMIPA Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc, Ph.D. in her speech said "Thanks be to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, because of His grace we can all gather in the Nusantara Hall of the agro-complex building this morning to carry out the graduation ceremony for students of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences faculty of Udayana University deeply. in good health. Watiniasih congratulated the prospective graduates in taking lectures or learning at the Mathematics and Natural Sciences faculty of Udayana University so that they were declared free and graduated to be able to continue their aspirations and higher careers. The release of prospective graduates from certain MIPA faculties is one thing that is very proud for the community of FMIPA UNUD because this means that prospective graduates can bring or use the existing knowledge and skills experience obtained to continue their future aspirations. FMIPA expresses gratitude for the support of prospective graduates in supporting the performance of the faculties listed in the IKU ( Indikator Kinerja Utama - Main Performance Indicators ) of universities, such as participating in competitions and support for the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka - The Freedom of Education) program launched by the ministry". As a final word, not Forget Watiniasih also expressed her gratitude to parents who have entrusted their children to carry out learning to study at the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, Udayana University, and apologize if there are shortcomings in taking lectures at FMIPA, hopefully in the future FMIPA can develop and become a successful faculty.


As the best student representative, Made ade Cahya Kartika Dewi, S.Si from the Chemistry S1 study program, expressed his gratitude to his family and the entire academic community of FMIPA Unud. During 3 years and 7 months of studying, there are no words that can be used to describe how many things have been learned at FMIPA. Only thanks can be given because it has become a place to process and grow, hopefully, all the good things we have received can be disseminated to the surrounding environment so that it can be of more benefit. As a final word, Cahya congratulated fellow prospective graduates, hopefully, this will be a new step in moving toward success. Cahya also conveyed a message to younger students who will or are still studying at Fmipa Unud, Luck will always come to those who always work hard, don't give up, rest if you're tired, and stay motivated.

The event continued with the giving of placards to all prospective graduates by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences accompanied by all study program coordinators within the FMIPA environment. After giving placards to all prospective graduates, Putu Dea Cahya Ratih, the older sister of the best FMIPA graduate as a representative of student parents in her impression and message, expressed her deepest gratitude and thanks to the entire FMIPA academic community, the lecturers who have guided Cahya so that become the best graduate at the FMIPA impression event for the April 2022 period. Ratih hopes that Cahya can continue his education to a higher level, which of course may also be the hope of most prospective graduates. In closing, Ratih encouraged the prospective graduates and all the invitees who were present, so that all those present could be successful.


The event then ended with a group photo session.