Within the framework of the Udayana-Russia Asean Cooperation carried out by the Faculty of Agriculture, a 6-day workshop is being held from April 11 to April 16, 2022. This activity took place at the Puri Santrian Hotel, Sanur Denpasar, Bali, which was attended by 6 countries, namely Indonesia, Russia, Thailand. , Laos, Philippines and Vietnam. The workshop was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture (represented by WD3), the Director of Asean Biodiversity, the Deputy of the Ministry of Vietnam, the Deputy of the Denpasar City Environment Agency, and 6 students from Udayana University who participated in this activity. The material discussed is 3 (three) themes, namely: 1) Making a film about water problems with the main object in Bali which aims to provide education to the community to save water use. This film will be used in the field of education and will be widely used by Udayana University in the learning process, especially in the environmental field, 2) About molecular biology analysis, which aims to introduce learning in the field of biotechnology, and 3) About the Teleconference System to develop an "Interactive Communication Network" between Asean-Russia countries to improve communication on “innovative technology” for sustainable agriculture. The following is information related to activities:


1. International coordinator: Prof. Nataliya Shchegolkova 

2. Participan fron Udayana University  Students

3. Arts of the participant: Laos, Vitnam, Philipina, Thailand, and Indonesia

4. Krossata Russian Committee: Angelika Basarigina and Viktoria