The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University Held Street Feeding Activities: Reach Out Hands, Save Street Animals

      The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University cooperates with the Seva Bhuana Foundation to promote Street Feeding for street dogs every month with the aim of inviting and educating the public that feeding on stray dogs is not a difficult matter, as long as we have the will to share. Last Sunday (27/3), all members of BEM FKH promoted Street Feeding which are located in three places, namely Suwung Final Disposal Site (TPA), Samasta Area, and Puri Gading Back Area. “Initially, we asked our BEM functionaries for suggestions for place references. Then we did a survey and it turned out that all three places had a large population of stray dogs. Especially for the Suwung TPA area where the environment is not adequate for live animals and dogs there can eat garbage,” said Tifano Pratista Ramandika Nur Husodo as Head of Street Feeding Activities this March. He shared that there was a special reason for choosing the three places after jointly conducting a survey with friends from the Community Service Division of BEM FKH Udayana.

     Members of the Community Service Division of BEM FKH Unud, accompanied by members from other fields, were seen preparing dog food three kilograms"We share tasks with each other to make the time effective, some clean the chicken, some cut it, some cook it, and so on," said Rama while mixing his dog food.

     Then, at 02.00 p.m, the members of BEM FKH Unud together with the volunteers headed to the place of activity. Muhammad Shaffan Fisabilillah as the person in charge of the Puri Gading Back Area also led a briefing to the volunteers. After that, the activity of feeding the stray dogs began, less than an hour's journey, the food that was brought had been distributed. "We are touched and happy to see that we can help the stray dogs here to eat, especially since the food we brought has run out," said Shaffan. There not only provide food, but also distribute flyerscontaining information that can educate the local community to pay more attention to the health and welfare of the surrounding animals.


    This street feeding was considered a success because there was no food left and saw the enthusiasm of the volunteers when feeding the stray dogs they encountered. At first there was concern from Rama as the head of the activity because there were very few volunteers who registered. "The success of this activity is, of course, inseparable from the obstacles that have been faced by BEM FKH members, such as the difficulty of finding volunteers who want to take part, the hassle of licensing, finding the tools needed to prepare the food, and other things," said I Gusti Ngurah Jagad Anom Knight during an interview.

     “Hopefully the local people know that feeding stray dogs is easy and by seeing what we have done, hopefully the residents will be moved to participate. Then, I hope that street feeding will run better and more volunteers will participate," concluded Rama when asked about his hopes for the future.

   This Street Feeding is encouraged to increase the public's love for street animals that do not have a caretaker. To remind the public that street animals are the same as domestic animals or we as humans can of course feel hungry, sick, and need help. Only by the willingness to lend a hand can we help the animal to survive and feel loved.

Author: Lefira

Source: Personal Document