The Agricultural And Biosystem Engineering Study Program Provides Digital Marketing Assistance For Healthy Rice In Subak Jaka, Tabanan
The Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program provides digital marketing assistance for healthy rice in Subak Jaka, Tabanan. The Lecturer team of Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems Study Program of Faculty of Agricultural Technology Udayana University (FTP Unud) who provided this assistance consisted of Ni Nyoman Sulastri, S.TP., M.Agr., PhD., Dr. Sumiyati, S.TP., M.P., Mentari Kinasih, Ir. I Wayan Tika, M.P, I Putu Gede Budisanjaya, S.TP., M.T.
Mrs. Sumiyati as an academician of FTP Unud explained that this activity was motivated by marketing constraints experienced by organic rice farmers who had implemented an organic farming system for the last 5 years. He also informed that this assistance includes digital marketing, how to use the application so that it can increase marketing of optimal production and sales, create digital branding, develop strategies for using online media, based on product goals and categories and understand the advantages and disadvantages of various types of media.
Mrs. Sumiyati and her team also explained that digital marketing is a marketing strategy using digital media and the internet which has advantages, namely speed of information dissemination, ease of evaluation, wider market reach, cheap and effective as well as building branding images. Several types of digital marketing that can be used are websites, search engines and social media.
The FTP Unud team continues to conduct studies related to the Digital Marketing assistance provided. Assistance is also carried out periodically until the team from Subak Jaka, Marga Tabanan is deemed ready to do digital marketing independently, and it is hoped that this assistance will open up greater marketing opportunities for healthy rice products. produced by farmers in Subak Jaka, Tabanan clan and the healthy rice can be marketed more widely not only in the Tabanan area, Bali but also throughout Indonesia.