Leadership Meeting “Establishing Good Communication Between Units for Achieving The Best Accreditation”

The Postgraduate Program of Udayana University held a Leadership Meeting (Rapim) on Friday, March 11, 2022. This activity was attended by the Director, Deputy Director I, Deputy Director II, Study Program Coordinators (KoProdi), and Postgraduate Unit Coordinators (KoUnit). This routine work meeting aims to establish communication between all units within the Postgraduate Program of UNUD. The meeting was opened by the Postgraduate Program Director, Prof. Ir. Linawati, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D.

Several directives were given by the Director of the Postgraduate Program during the Rapim, including a directive regarding the Lecturer Homebase which is expected to be routinely checked on the DIKTI Database (PDDIKTI) which aims to accurately define the standard ratio required by UNUD's postgraduate programs. Furthermore, directions were also conveyed to elevate socialization, collaboration, and dissemination of the Postgraduate Program activities through digital media. In addition, to prepare for the incoming accreditation for each study program, it is expected that the Postgraduate Program Quality Assurance Unit will continue to assist each study program that will engage in the accreditation process. Within the scope of the academic and student affair, a commitment was also expressed to push forward journal accreditation, to increase the student satisfaction index, number of publications and citations, and the number of students in postgraduate programs. Prof. Linawati expressed, "Whatever we do for the Postgraduate Program, it must lead to the best accreditation achievement."

In addition, in this meeting, a team to update the Masters and Doctoral Academic Guide was also formed, which also consisted of the Coordinators and the Quality Assurance Team for Masters and Doctoral Study Programs throughout Udayana University. The team aims to update the Masters and Doctoral Academic Guidelines at Udayana University to be more relevant to the latest legal foundations and accommodate current conditions.

Finally, this Rapim activity is expected to strengthen the commitment of the team and the entire postgraduate programs academic community to improve performance, cohesiveness, and contribution towards achieving the institution's 2022 targets.