Follow-up of the Badung Regency Government for the Implementation of Independent Learning on the Independent Campus (MBKM)

Bali - Friday 25 February 2022, Regional Secretariat of the Badung Regency Government, Regional Cooperation Coordination Team (TKKSD) Kab. Badung, District Inspector. Badung, Head of Agency/Department in the District Government. Badung, Director of RSD Mangusada Kab. Badung, sub-district heads throughout Badung Regency, and the Dean of the Faculty of Law at Udayana University (represented by the Coordinator of the Study Program (S1) FH Unud, Dr. Made Gde Subha Karma Resen, SH., M.Kn, Coordinator of the Information Management and Cooperation Unit of FH Unud, Dr. Made Suksma Prijandhini Devi Salain, SH., MH., LLM and MBKM FH Unud Team; Cokorda Dalem Dahana, SH., M.Kn, Putu Devi Yustisia Utami., SH., MKn, Pande Yogantara S, SH., MH, I Putu Rasmadi Arsha Putra, SH., MH, AANgr.Gd. Wirahadhi Kusuma, SE.MM, I Putu Artha Kesumajaya, I Gusti Bagus Mardi Sukmawan, carried out follow-up actions in the form of discussion and harmonization of the Cooperation Agreement between the Badung Regency Government and Udayana University regarding the Implementation of the Independent Learning Program for the Independent Campus which was held online.

The activity was led and opened by the Head of the Badung Regency Government Cooperation, IA Yutri Indah Gustari and continued with discussions and harmonization of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) so that an agreement was reached by the Head of the Agency / K the head of the Badung Regency Government's OPD Office/Sub-district in accordance with the previous Joint Agreement (KB) between the Badung Regency Government and Udayana University concerning Cooperation in the Fields of Education, Research and Community Service Number: 134.4/548/KB/TKKSD-Bdg/2022 and Number: B/7/UN14/HK.07.00/2022 dated January 21, 2022, signed by the Regent of Badung and the Chancellor of Udayana University.

The Faculty of Law, Udayana University expressed their gratitude for the support of the Badung Regency Government and all Badung Regency Government OPD regarding the implementation of the MBKM Program, it is hoped that the MBKM Program will be carried out according to the specified schedule and can increase students' practical knowledge according to the vision and mission of Udayana University, superior, independent and cultured. (mardi/FH)