Reviewing the Juridical Conception of Protecting Indonesia's Interests as a Transit Country in Handling Refugees, Ida R. Hasan Receives Doctoral Degree

Denpasar–Doctoral Study Program (S3) in Law, Faculty of Law (FH), Udayana University again held a Doctoral Promotion with promovendus Ida R. Hasan on Thursday, January 27, 2022 in Hybrid (Online and Face-to-face) in the FH Unud Hall. Ida R. Hasan is a teaching lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Singaperbangsa Karawang University. With her steady studies at the Doctoral Study Program in Law, FH UNUD, she has successfully completed her studies in a period of 3 years.

The open examination was led directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Udayana University, Dr. Putu Gede Arya Sumertayasa, SH., MH and as Promoter 1: Dr. I Ketut Westra, SH, MH and Promoter 2: Dr. I Wayan Novy Purwanto, SH, M.Kn. Ida R. Hasan successfully defended her dissertation entitled "The Juridical Conception of the Protection of Indonesian Interests as a Transit Country in Handling Refugees".


In her dissertation, Ida R. Hasan revealed that there was a void in the norms of positive national and international law that regulates the position of refugee transit countries which resulted in the handling of refugees not being carried out properly. Furthermore, the three problems above show that: (1) The philosophical aspect of handling refugees is to provide justice and protection for refugees and transit countries that protect them in universal humanitarian efforts. (2) The results of a search on international legal instruments and Indonesian national law show that there is no norm of protection for transit countries in their position as countries participating in accommodating refugees. (3) The juridical conception of the protection of Indonesia as a transit country in the future, internationally can be started with the formation of soft law, in the form of an agreement between countries through the UN General Assembly Resolution to help allocate funds to assist transit countries in financing refugees, as well as requesting special institutions United Nations for refugees/UNHCR in order to channel these funds. Also in the national legal order, it is necessary to make complete and comprehensive regulations in the form of laws considering the importance and complexity of the issues regulated relating to what refugees can and cannot do. So that the arrangement for the protection of Indonesia's interests as a transit country may contain regulations on preventing refugees, handling refugees, overcoming problems resulting from violations or criminal acts committed by refugees, regulating transit periods, including arrangements for asylum seekers who refuse to be voluntarily returned to their country of origin. after his application to become a refugee was rejected. The creation of new legal norms can be carried out by taking into account the needs of transit countries, especially countries that are not parties to the 1951 Geneva Convention, by prioritizing humanitarian protection.