Faculty of Medicine Unud Welcomes the New Dean of FKIK Unwar

In order to strengthen the relationship between institutions, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Warmadewa University (FKIK Unwar), accompanied by the Vice Deans, visited the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) to discuss collaboration in the field of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. (29/1/2024)

Welcomed directly by the Dean of FK Unud, Prof. Januartha welcomed this visit and hoped that the resources owned by FK Unud and FKIK Unwar could be used for the progress and development of their respective institutions.

The newly appointed Dean of FKIK Unwar, dr. Made Indra Wijaya, MARS., Ph.D., expressed his hope that the relationship between FK Unud and FKIK Unwar will be closer and this collaboration can provide benefits for the progress and development of each institution. 

"Of course, FK Unwar will learn a lot from FK Unud, besides being more established, FK Unud is also the guardian of FK Unwar," he said.

At this meeting, several areas were planned for collaboration including research, development of student executive bodies (BEM) and organizing national and international events.

This friendly visit was also attended by the newly appointed Vice Deans of FKIK Unwar, and the Vice Deans of FK Unud.