Unud Pharmacist Professional Study Program Holds TKD and Interviews for New Students in 2024

Jimbaran, Friday 26 January 2024,, Udayana University is holding an entrance selection for future pharmacist candidates through the Pharmacist Professional Study Program (PSPA) at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). A strict and comprehensive selection process has been designed to ensure that only the best candidates will join in the even semester of the 2023/2024 academic year. The first stage of this selection is a computer-based test (CBT) which has been carried out previously successfully.

The second stage, which is the Basic Skills Test (TKD) and interview, is scheduled for January 26 2024, starting at 09.00 WITA and ending. This activity took place in the FMIPA Dean's Building, which is located on the UNUD campus in Jimbaran Hill. More than 300 participants who have passed the CBT stage will participate in this TKD/interview stage. This is not just a test, but an important milestone in the participants' academic careers.

The TKD exam is designed to measure candidates' in-depth understanding of basic concepts in Pharmacy science, which is an important foundation for a professional pharmacist. After that, they will face a challenging interview session, where they will have to demonstrate not only their knowledge, but also their interpersonal skills and commitment to professional ethics. With a predetermined assessment rubric, every aspect of the participant's answers will be assessed carefully.

To accommodate the large number of participants and ensure that each candidate receives the attention it deserves, the TKD exam will be held in 10 separate rooms. The interview session will utilize 16 rooms that have been prepared, allowing the selection process to run smoothly and efficiently. This entire selection process not only confirms PSPA FMIPA Udayana University's commitment to high academic standards, but also confirms its position as one of the leading educational institutions in the field of Pharmacy in Indonesia.