FMIPA is reviewing the mechanism for recognizing student achievements in academic grades

Bukit Jimbaran, Friday 19 January 2024, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences held a Study Meeting on Recognition of Student Achievement Work and Assessment of Academic Values. The meeting was opened by the Dean of FMIPA Prof. Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc, Ph.D at 10.31 WITA. This meeting was also attended by deputy deans, Study Program Coordinators (KPS), and the FMIPA review team.

In the explanation of the drafting team represented by the Coordinator of the Pharmacy Study Program, Dr. Eka Indra Setiawan, S.Far, M.Sc, Apt, said that strategic efforts are needed to encourage and motivate students to equip themselves with hard skills and soft skills. This data is answered with a curriculum that is relevant to the needs in the era of society 5.0.

  1. Adequate infrastructure, especially in the field of information and communication technology, to accommodate the rapid needs of the digital world in the era of society 5.0, especially in the learning process.
  2. Prepare teaching staff or lecturers to have skills in the digital and creative world.
  3. Adjusting the competencies that graduates must have to suit what is needed by the world of work and in order to produce young entrepreneurs

For this reason, strategic efforts that can be made include: increasing the implementation of MBKM and appreciation and conversion of student activities/achievements.

This coordination discussed the study of recognition of student achievements and assessment of academic grades to improve the quality of higher education at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

  1. KPS are asked to study the studies and guidelines that have been distributed so that they can be adapted to their respective study programs.
  2. Consider indicators of the quality of higher education, quality of lecturers, and learning curriculum.
  3. Approval of the study and guidebook will be proposed to the rectorate for facilitation to related units such as USDI and the Library.
  4. Creating student achievement criteria and adjusting the assessment flow.
  5. Implementation of Rector's decision No. 1331 of 2021, including SWOT analysis with quantitative data.
  6. The Informatics Study Program has carried out assessment recognition in semester 7.
  7. Organizing National and International competitions must be accompanied by a student assignment letter with an implementation schedule and a statement of credit recognition for recognition.
  8. Administration must be tightened so that student achievements can be recognized.

The meeting was closed by the Dean of the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty at 12.25 WITA, with the hope that the results of the study could be immediately implemented to improve academic quality at the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty.