Anti-corruption Law Clinic Students Conduct Street Law at SD Negeri 22 Dauh Puri Denpasar

Author: I Putu Rasmadi Arsha Putra | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Denpasar, - Saturday (06/01/2024) at SDN 22 Dauh Puri Denpasar, students of the Anti-Corruption Law Clinic FH UNUD held Street Law to elementary school students. Street Law is carried out by providing legal counseling on the theme of Corruption which is an important and crucial topic to be known from an early age.

This legal counseling is the implementation of the duties of students who study the Anti-Corruption Law Clinic course. Legal counseling was carried out by 4 students with the material title "Say No To Corruption" with the hope that elementary school children will begin to understand that corruption is not good.

Legal counseling activities were carried out in several classes at SDN 22 Dauh Puri Denpasar after they did morning gymnastics activities.  Students of the Anti-Corruption Legal Clinic delivered the material then continued with a discussion session. The students of SD Negeri 22 Dauh Puri Denpasar were very interactive in asking and answering the questions given. By conducting a pre-test and post-test to measure the level of students' understanding of corruption and corruption values. The results of the test showed significant results from 40% of students' understanding of corruption to 98% of students' understanding of corruption and its values.