The Faculty of Engineering Community Service at Selumbung Village, Manggis

The community service by Engineering Faculty, Udayana University held at Selumbung Village Manggis, Karangasem with the theme  Increasing the Potential of Selumbung Village through Source-based Waste Management, on Saturday, 13 November, 2021. This event was welcomed by I Wayan Sudiarka and the head of BPD Selumbung Village I Wayan Kartika, S.H, by presented the village community such as BPD of each 'banjar', Chief of Village, Babinsa and Babinmas as well as community of village cleaning activists.

The purpose of this activity is to open a wider perspective on Source-based waste management which was explained by Dr. Wayan Nata Septiadi and continued with material on waste processing technology in TPST delivered by Prof. I Nyoman Suprapta Winaya. It emphasized that, if waste management is carry out properly,  it will be able to increase the added value of the village economy and environmental cleanliness. The Vice Dean II Dr. I Ketut Gede Sugita also conveyed the importance of integrating local genius activities such as routine mutual assistance that has been well synergizing with the Source-based waste management considering the increasing population.

The community hopes that the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University can increase cooperation by make the Selumbung Village as a partner village so the innovation products and inventions that was created especially the waste management can be apply at Selumbung Village.