Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation Results of the Ethics and Advocacy Clinic Program Cooperation with the Indonesian Judicial Commission Year 2023

Author: Lab/Section of Procedural Law FH UNUD | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Denpasar, - Wednesday, December 13, 2023, monitoring and evaluation (monev) activities were carried out on the results of the implementation of the collaboration of the Ethics and Advocacy Clinic program with the Judicial Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KYRI) for the implementation period of 2023. The monev activity took place at FH UNUD which was attended directly by the KYRI Team chaired by the Head of the Cooperation and Inter-Agency Relations Subdivision (Agus Susanto), and received by the Head of the Bachelor of Law Study Program (Dr. Made Gde Subha Karma Resen, S.H., MKn), Head of Lab / Procedural Law Section as well as Chairperson of the FH UNUD 2023 Ethics and Advocacy Clinic Program Organizer (Dr. Ni Nengah Adiyaryani, S.H., M.H.) and accompanied by the Ethics and Advocacy Clinic mentor team from Lab Lecturers / Procedural Law Section FH UNUD.

The Monev activity began with the delivery of a general review related to the implementation of the Ethics and Advocacy Clinic in 2023 by KYRI, Koprodi S1 Ilmu Hukum and Chairperson of the Ethics and Advocacy Clinic Organizer FH UNUD in 2023.

On this occasion, the FH UNUD Ethics and Advocacy Clinic Team was also given the opportunity to convey various obstacles faced in the implementation of the program to be used as input for strengthening the implementation of the Clinic in the next period. Various future plans and opportunities to align the implementation of the Ethics and Advocacy Clinic with the applicable curriculum at FH UNUD were also discussed, including as part of the implementation of the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM). At the end of the monitoring and evaluation, the hopes of both parties were also conveyed, to be able to continue cooperation in the Ethics and Advocacy Clinic program in 2024 along with opportunities for the implementation of various other related programs such as MBKM internships, MBKM research and cooperation in writing journal articles.