Writing Class for Accredited National and Reputable International Journals

Author: FH Unud Journal Management Team | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id - FH UNUD has held a Class on Writing Accredited National and Reputable International Journals on Thursday (07/12/2023) in the Video Conference Room, FH UNUD Denpasar Campus. Present as a speaker Prof. Dr. Irwansyah, S.H., M.H., Professor of the Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University as well as Editor in Chief of the Hasanuddin Law Review Journal which is a reputable international journal indexed by Scopus Q2.

Participants of this activity consisted of students of Master of Law Study Program (MIH), Master of Kenotariatan Study Program (MKn), and Doctor of Law Study Program (DIH) FH UNUD as well as Journal Managers in FH UNUD. This activity was opened by Prof. Dr. Desak Putu Dewi Kasih, S.H., M.Hum (Vice Dean I for Academic Affairs and Planning FH UNUD) and moderated by Pande Yogantara S., S.H., M.H as Editor in Chief of Kertha Semaya Journal.

In this activity, strategies for writing and publishing articles in accredited national and reputable international journals were presented. One emphasis was on the importance of novelty or new findings in writing journal articles. Findings are the crown of research and are often a problem in writing journal articles. The speaker emphasized that findings are obtained from the existence of differentiating components in several journal elements, including title/topic/issue/problem, legal theory (concept), method and approach, year or period, location, population and sample, and references. New findings can be elaborated in the discussion by making comparisons with previous research. The activity ended with a discussion session with the speaker and then closed with the submission of certificates to the speaker and moderator.