2 Awards Won by UPIKS FH UNUD at the Appreciation and Awarding Night of the Rector's Spokesperson in 2023

Author: UPIKS FH UNUD Team | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, FLUNUD.ac.id - The Information Management and Cooperation Unit (UPIKS) FH UNUD received 2 awards at the Appreciation and Awarding Night of the Rector's Spokesperson in 2023 organized by the UNUD Spokesperson Team Friday (08/12/2023) at Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur Bali. The 2 awards are the 2nd Best Champion in the Category of Most News Links in the Media and the 2nd Best Champion in the Best Journalistic Video Category. The award was received directly by the UPIKS FH UNUD Coordinator and Team.

The event was opened directly by the Rector of UNUD and attended by Faculty Leaders, UPIKS Coordinator along with, lecturers and staff in UNUD. Awards are not only given to Faculties or Units within UNUD but also to UNUD media partners who have been working together to release academic and non-academic achievements of the UNUD community.