Udayana Medical Faculty Receives the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Award from the Denpasar City Government

Udayana Medical Faculty Receives the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Award from the Denpasar City Government


In commemoration of International Disability Day (HDI) and National Social Solidarity Day (HKSN) in 2023, the Denpasar City Government through the Denpasar City Social Service held a Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam award ceremony which took place in the Sewaka Mahottama room, Sewaka Dharma Building, Denpasar. (21/12/2023). This award is given to companies/donors and social pillars in Denpasar City for their support and participation in implementing social welfare in Denpasar City.


On this occasion, the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud), represented by Dr. Ni Luh Sukma Pratiwi Murti, M.Biomed, Sp.A., received the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam award which was handed over directly by the Deputy Mayor of Denpasar, I Kadek Agus Arya Wibawa, SE., M.Sc. This award was obtained for the contribution and participation of the entire FK Unud academic community in implementing social welfare in Denpasar City during 2023.


Head of the Denpasar City Social Service, Laksmi Saraswati, said that during 2023, companies and donors had distributed 2.3 billion Rupiah in assistance to the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam program in the form of disaster management, house renovations, assistance for disabilities, etc. Apart from handing over awards to 101 companies/donors, on this occasion the City of Denpasar also handed over assistance in the form of 45 wheelchairs for people with disabilities.