Introducing FK Unud Closer to High School Students, BEM Organizes M-FORCE 2023

The Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University (FK Unud) through the Student Executive Board (BEM) organized a series of events aimed at introducing more closely about FK Udayana to high school / equivalent students throughout Indonesia which was packaged through an event called Medical Faculty Open Roadshow, Championship, and Exhibition 2023 (M-FORCE). M-FORCE 2023 is composed of several types of activities carried out online and offline. 


The first series of activities held was the M-FORCE 2023 Roadshow which was held for three days, where one day was held online, and the other two days were held offline at the location of schools in Bali. After that there were two days of M-FORCE 2023 activities that were very important and fantastic, the activities on the first day were in the form of the M-FORCE 2023 Quarterfinal round and the Udayana University Faculty of Medicine Open House held on Saturday, December 2, 2023 which took place at the FK Unud Denpasar Campus. 


And finally, on Sunday, December 3, 2023, the Peak or Final Round of M-FORCE 2023 was held which resulted in several champions from the M-FORCE 2023 Olympics, namely 1st and 2nd place from SMAN 4 Denpasar, 3rd place from SMAN 1 Denpasar, and 1st and 2nd runner-up by SMAN 2 Amlapura. At the closing of the M-FORCE 2023 series of activities, it was attended by several invited guests such as the Chairperson of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Putu Labitha Parameswari Gustin, Chairperson of the LMFK Student Representative Council, Chairperson of the General Medical Student Association, Chairperson of the Semi-Autonomous Body of the Aids Care Student Group, representatives of the Nursing Science Student Association, and representatives of the Psychology Student Association.