Student Deliberation of HMKM FK Unud Period 2023

HMKM FK Unud again held a student deliberation with the theme "Roaring Aspirations through Abinawa Transformation to Realize Lasting Prosperity". This activity aims to discuss and ratify the AD ART HMKM, LPJ HMKM FK Unud Period 2023, as well as the requirements for candidates for the next period of HMKM FK Unud. The activity went smoothly, with a number of students wearing white shirts as a representation of professionalism in the world of health.


This activity was attended by:

1. Dr. I Made Kerta Duana, SKM., MPH. as the supervisor of HMKM FK Unud Period 2023

2. Ngakan Putu Anom Harjana, S.KM., M.A. as the supervisor of HMKM FK Unud Period 2023

3. Komang Sayu Trya Maheswary as Chairman of HMKM FK Unud Period 2023

4. Chairman of LMFK, BSO, HM, and the management of HMKM FK Unud Period 2023


The event was opened by Ngakan Putu Anom Harjana, S.KM., M.A. as a representative of the Coordinator of the FK Unud Bachelor of Public Health Study Program, who in his remarks hoped that HMKM FK Unud as an organizational forum could become a developer of the potential of public health students in the field of Student Creativity Programs in the future. 


"Hopefully today's activities can run smoothly, hopefully this activity can be used as a forum to account for the Ratification Report of HMKM FK Unud Period 2023, and hopefully in this activity HMKM FK Unud in the future can further develop the potential of its members" he said.