FK Unud Hosts The National Exam of The Indonesian Dermatology and Venereology Collegium

Department / Program of Dermatology and Venereology (DV) FK UNUD hosted the National Examination of the Indonesian Dermatology and Venereology Collegium which was held on December 2-3, 2023.


The National Exam event was attended by 74 participants from 13 IPDS in Indonesia. The event was closed by the Chairman of the National Evaluation Commission Prof. dr. Hendra Gunawan Sp.KK, Subsp. D.T, Ph.D, FINSDV, FAADV who greatly appreciated the smooth running of the CBT & OSCE National Exam event in Bali which had no obstacles. The Chairperson of the Indonesian Venereology Dermatology Collegium Dr. dr. Sandra Widaty, Sp.KK, Subsp. D.T, FINSDV, FAADV also attended directly and gave great appreciation to the local committee who had successfully held the National Exam this time. 


The top ten national rankings come from 5 IPDS namely University of Indonesia, Andalas University, Udayana University, Hassanudin University, and Padjajaran University. 


The event was attended by the Chairperson of the Local Committee, dr. Indira Dharmasamitha, Sp.KK, Coordinator of the UNUD DV Study Program, Dr. dr. Ketut Kwartantaya Winaya, Sp.KK, Subsp. OBK, FINSDV, FAADV, Chairperson of the UNUD DV Department, Dr. dr. IGN Darmaputra Sp.KK, Subsp. OBK, FINSDV, FAADV, and 20 National Examiners from 13 IPDS in Indonesia.