FMIPA won 3 awards at the 2023 Chancellor's Spokesperson Appreciation and Awards Night

Denpasar, December 8 2023. Located at the Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur Bali, the Spokesperson for the Chancellor of Udayana University held an Appreciation and Awarding Night for the Chancellor's Spokesperson in 2023. This event was initiated as a form of appreciation to the UPIKS/Unit team within Udayana University and media partners for their work publications related to Tridharma Higher Education activities at Udayana University.


On this occasion, the invitees were present, namely the Chancellor of Udayana University, Chairman of the Senate of Udayana University, Deputy Chancellors 1-4, heads of Bureaus in the Udayana University Environment, as well as all Deans, Postgraduate Directors, Chair of SPI, Main Director of Udayana University Hospital, Chair of LPPM, Chair UPT Language, Chair of UPT Libraries, Chair of USDI, Coordinator of the International Affairs Office, Chair of UNUD Media, heads of UPIKS in all faculties, as well as Online Media which is a collaboration partner at Udayana University.


Also present were the jury members at the Appreciation and Award Night for the Udayana University Chancellor's Spokesperson Team, namely Made Adnyana, S.H., M.H., Tjokorda Istri Priti Mahendradevi, S.Tr.Par., M.Par., and A. A. Ngurah Narendra Prema Pawitra S. Tr. Sn.


Chancellor of Udayana University, Prof. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana expressed his gratitude to the jury, because they were willing to take the time to participate in providing an assessment of all journalistic works regarding the tridharma of higher education at Udayana University. Apart from that, thanks are also expressed for the enthusiasm and creativity of the UPIKS Team, news teams from Faculties/Units, and media partners who have produced a lot of positive news about Udayana University. In this way, all positive images about Udayana University can be conveyed well to all elements of society.


Efforts are being made to build a positive image to maintain the good name of Udayana University, one of which is creating various journalistic works which must then be published massively and sustainably. Moreover, the form of publication of the work as intended is no longer conventional, that is, it is not enough to just publish it through print and/or electronic media, but it is mandatory to publish it through several trending social media applications for public consumption. For this reason, the Chancellor also called for innovations related to how to package and narrate publications which will later be uploaded on social media. In order to respond to this need, a series of workshops were held aimed at the UPIKS Team and news teams from Faculties or Units, facilitated by the Spokesperson Team for the Chancellor of Udayana University. The workshop, which was organized by the Chancellor's Spokesperson's Team, apparently did not only present resource persons to share theoretical knowledge, but also left "homework" for the participants to create all journalistic works which were then compiled for competition and final assessment by the jury. who have agreed to be present on this occasion.


Through the workshop activities and the Appreciation and Awarding Night event, the Chancellor hopes that the UPIKS Team and the Faculty/Unit News Team will continue to increase enthusiasm and creativity in producing innovative and quality journalistic work.


On this occasion, FMIPA can be proud because it received 3 awards, namely:


  1. 1st Place in the Faculty/Unit with the Best Website Management Category
  2. 2nd Place in the Best Photojournalism Category
  3. Special Non-UPIKS News Contributor Awards by Prof.Dr. Dra. Ni Made Suaniti, M.Si, one of the Chemistry Masters lecturers, FMIPA UNUD.


According to the Chair of UPIKS FMIPA, Agus Muliantara, S.Kom, M.Kom, this appreciation is very special as a year-end gift which is quite encouraging. The award received this time is the result of the hard work of the TEAM consisting of the Dean and staff, WD1-3, Study Program Coordinator within FMIPA, the UPIKS journalism team which is a combination of staff and students from all study programs at FMIPA. Agus hopes that this collaboration can continue to be improved so that FMIPA can always contribute to positive news.


I Wayan Febriana Saputra, S.Kom, one of the UPIKS team who was contacted, said he was surprised and did not expect to win 2nd place in the best photojournalism category. Febri said that the photo sent was one of the Udayana University anniversary activities last September. Febri said that he was only trying to showcase the international activities of Udayana University. It turned out that he received 2nd place appreciation. This was really unexpected, but worth being grateful for. I will try to take better photos, he said.


Prof.Dr. Dra. Ni Made Suaniti, M.Si, who was contacted separately, was surprised and thanked Udayana University through spokesperson Rector with such great appreciation for only doing a little work. Hopefully in the future we can work and create even better with the support of all parties, hopefully Udayana University will be more advanced, the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty will be more successful, and especially Chemistry can excel in the future.