Udayana University Engineering Faculty Student Team Wins 2023 PKM Best Group Award for Application of Science and Technology

A team of students from the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, succeeded in winning the award as the best group in the 2023 Student Creativity Program (PKM) Application of Science and Technology (IPTEK) in Jakarta. This group created an innovation entitled "Application of an IoT-Integrated Automatic Paint Dryer to Increase the Productivity of the Balinese Fiber Carving Bokor Business in the Rainy Season."


The project developed by this student team aims to increase the efficiency and productivity of the Balinese fiber carving business, especially during the rainy season. They created an automatic paint drying tool that is integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT) to ensure that carving wood products remain of high quality and can be produced continuously, even if the weather is not favorable.



The names of the student members involved in this project are

I Wayan Okta Arianta, Gede Candra Maha Dharmawan, Ni Kadek Sita Purnamasari, I Made Aditya Wirawan, and Ni Nyoman Ayu Sumariiantini. The supervisor who guided this group was Ir. I Gusti Ngurah Janardana, M.Erg. He provided valuable support and guidance throughout the development process of this project.


"This achievement is the result of the hard work and dedication of the student team as well as extraordinary support from the supervisors. We are proud to be able to make a real contribution in developing technology that can increase the productivity and competitiveness of local industry," said I Wayan Okta Arianta as team leader.


This award provides appreciation for the student team's real efforts in presenting innovative and sustainable solutions to support local industry in Bali. The hope is that this achievement can be an inspiration for other students to continue to contribute to the development of technology and science.