The Sumatra Institute of Technology (ITERA) responded to FMIPA UNUD's visit last October 2023
Friday, December 1 2023, FMIPA Udayana University received a visit from ITERA Lampung. This visit was a return visit from ITERA after FMIPA UNUD previously visited ITERA in October 2023. On this occasion, the ITERA delegation was the Dean of the ITERA Faculty of Science (Dr. Ikah Ning Prasetiowati Permanasari, S.Si., M.Si,) Head of the Chemistry Study Program (Dr. I Putu Mahendra, S.Si.) and staff.
Welcoming representatives from ITERA, the FMIPA leadership presented the Dean and staff, the Chemistry Study Program Coordinator, and a number of staff. The main purpose of this visit is to share knowledge regarding the successful receipt of grants/funding assistance by ITERA, as well as to discuss potential collaboration between the two faculties.
Prof. Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc., Ph.D., in her speech said: Our thanks for this return visit from ITERA. Watiniasih highlighted the large number of grants/financial assistance received by ITERA, so it was deemed necessary to exchange information regarding strategies for obtaining similar financial support. Watiniasih also said that MIPA is proud to have an international program (UPSKILL) with students from various countries. It is known that UNUD has the highest number of international students in Indonesia.
Meanwhile, remarks from the Dean of ITERA Lampung, Dr. Ikah Ning Prasetiowati Permanasari, S.Sc., M.Si, who had only been appointed for 2 months, said that she felt the need to learn and share experiences with the Dean of Mathematics and Natural Sciences who had been in charge for two terms. Ikah also proposed initiating collaborative programs such as joint lectures or joint research. Informing that ITERA often submits proposals to local government agencies to obtain towers that will be used by new students, especially for Bidik Misi for the initial study adjustment of at least 2 semesters. ITERA only provides land without being involved in the auction process for buildings obtained from the city government.
The event ended with the signing of a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between the ITERA Faculty of Science and FMIPA Unud, the details of which had been previously agreed upon. This signing aims to strengthen cooperation between the two institutions.
This meeting noted important points related to ITERA's visit to FMIPA Unud on December 1 2023. Discussions about funding strategies and potential cooperation were the main focus, which was then realized in the signing of the PKS as a concrete step in increasing the partnership between the two institutions.