MIH FH UNUD Study Program Conducts Community Service in Batununggul Traditional Village, Nusa Penida

Author: Devotion Team | Editor: UPIKS FH UNUD Team

Nusa Penida-Klungkung, FLUNUD.ac.id - Friday (17/10/2023) at the Village Office of Batununggul Customary Village, Nusa Penida District, Klungkung Regency, MIH FH UNUD Study Program held a Community Service activity with the theme "Juridical Implications of Land Ownership Status with Nominee Agreements in Batununggul Village, Nusa Penida District." This Community Service activity is one of the routine activities carried out by the MIH FH UNUD Study Program in the context of implementing the Tridharma of Higher Education. 

The dedication was opened by the Coordinator of the Master of Law Study Program (Dr. I Nyoman Bagiastra, SH., MH.) and was attended by the Bendesa of Batunungul Traditional Village, Kelian Banjar, Sabha Desa, Kertha Desa, Village Secretary and Batunungul Traditional Village Staff and also attended by Lecturers, Staff, students of the 2022 MIH FH UNUD Study Program.

This activity focuses on the Juridical Implications of Land Ownership Status with Nominee Agreement. The speakers presented in this socialization are: Dr. I Wayan Novy Purwanto, SH, M.Kn. who is a lecturer of Homebase Prodi MIH FH UNUD. This community service went smoothly accompanied by high response and enthusiasm from all participants. In this community service, prayers were also held at Goa Giri Putri Temple and Dalem Ped Temple.