The Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University is part of BRAUIC

Udayana University is part of the 2023 Conference and Expo of the Belt and Road Architectural University International Consortium (BRAUIC) activities which will be held on the 15th to 17th November 2023, at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. In this activity, the Chancellor of Udayana University was represented by the Coordinator of the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Tri Anggraini Prajnawrdhi, ST., MT., MURP., PhD who also acted as PIC of the BRAUIC organizational collaboration activities. The conference aims to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the founding of BRAUIC with the theme: '10 Years into Belt and Road Initiative: Future-oriented Cooperation and Innovation of Architectural Universities'.


This activity was attended by all representatives of BRAUIC members, namely universities from China, Russia, Bulgaria, Malaysia and Indonesia and companies in China, namely as follows: Beijing City University; Beijing University of Science and Technology; Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering- Russia; University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy- Bulgaria; Tunku Abdul Rahman University- Malaysia; Beijing University of Science and Technology; Tianjin Chengjian University; Shandong Jianzhu University; Qingdao University of Technology; Nanchang University; LIESMARS, Wuhan University; Hebei University of Architecture; Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Anhui Jianzhu University; Henan University of Urban Construction; Udayana University; ITS Surabaya; Surabaya State University; Sebelas Maret University; Zhongyifeng Construction Group Co., Ltd; China State Construction Engineering Cooperation.


After the conference at ITS Surabaya, the BRAUIC delegates continued the signing of the MoU between BRAUIC and Udayana University, followed by the signing of the MoU with 6 BRAUIC member universities which was carried out at the Royal Tulip Jimbaran Hotel, Bali on November 18 2023. This event was attended by the Vice Chancellor IV Udayana University; Dean of the Faculty of Engineering; Coordinator of the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering; 6 laboratory heads in the Architecture Study Program; Chairman and staff of the Office of International Affairs (KUI), and staff of the Udayana University Cooperation section. The event went smoothly, and after signing the MoU, Udayana University officially became a member of BRAUIC.