Visit of the Evaluation Team for Proposed Implementation of the Internal Medicine Subspecialty Study Program at Udayana University

Visit of the Evaluation Team for Proposed Implementation of the Internal Medicine Subspecialty Study Program at Udayana University


The Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (FK Unud) welcomed the arrival of a field evaluation team from the Institutional Directorate of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology in preparation for the implementation of the Internal Medicine Subspecialty Study Program which took place in the Prof. meeting room. Dr. R.M. Moerdowo, Sp.PD., FRSA., Angsoka Building RSUP Prof. Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah, Denpasar. (11/23/2023)


The main agenda for today's evaluation event is:

1. Presentation of the vision and mission of the study program by the Coordinator of the Internal Medicine Subspecialty Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University (Dr. Dr. I Made Susila Utama, SpPD, K-PTI, FINASIM.

2. Visit to see the readiness of the room infrastructure.

3. Checking files and interviewing the evaluator team with prospective lecturers.

4. Examination of curriculum documents.


The field evaluation team that attended this activity consisted of 9 people, namely:

1. Sefryan Daru Sasongko., S.Kom (Institutional Directorate)

2. Abdul Rosyid., S.Kom (Institutional Directorate)

3.Dr. Soetrisno Soemardjo., MA., (LAMPTKES)

4. Dodhi Widyatnoko., S.Gz., M.K.M (LAMPTKES)

5. Prof. Dr. Dr. Dany Hilmanto, Sp.AK (UNPAD)

6. dr. Mila Maidarti, SpOG-KFER, PhD (IDI)

7.Dr. Dr. Maftuchah Rochmanti., M.Kes (AIPKI)

8.Dr. Dr. Arie Utariani, SpAn-KAP (ARSPI)

9. dr. Sudirman Katu, Sp.PD, K-PTI, FINASIM (Collegium of Internal Medicine)


The event was opened directly by the Chancellor of Udayana University, Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, M.T., Ph.D., IPU., who in his speech said that Udayana University strongly supports the opening of subspecialty study programs to improve human resources in the field of internal medicine.


"We hope for as much input from the evaluator team as possible to correct any deficiencies in the preparation process for opening the study program, and all the requirements to complete it, Udayana University is ready to fully support the smooth opening of the Internal Medicine Subspecialty Study Program." he said.


This visitation activity was also attended by the Main Director of RSUP Prof. Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah, Dr. I Wayan Sudana, M.Kes., Dean of FK Unud, Prof. Dr. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes., Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. Dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya. Sp.OT(K)., Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, FK Unud, Prof. Dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan, MPH., Ph.D., Coordinator of UP3M FK Unud, dr. I Made Winarsa Ruma, Ph.D., and lecturers in the Internal Medicine Subspecialty Study Program, FK Unud.