FEB Udayana University sent 4 teams that successfully received funding in the Entrepreneurial Student Development Program (P2MW) in the Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship (KMI) Expo XIV activity in 2023, which was held on November 15–17, 2023. The Student Entrepreneurship Development Program (P2MW) is a flagship program of the Ministry of Education and Culture that provides funding and coaching for the development of entrepreneurial students. KMI Expo 2023 was attended by 674 teams from universities. The team is a team that has passed the selection by Belmawa in the Activity Progress Report (PKP) of the Entrepreneurial Student Development Program (P2MW) in 2023 from 1871 teams throughout Indonesia.

Of the total 12 teams sent by Udayana University, 4 of them came from the Faculty of Economics and Business, namely the Debog team, which is a kraft paper packaging business made from banana fronds as a solution to responsible waste management. The Debog team, accompanied by Gede Nandya Oktora P., S.E., MBA, CRA, and CRP, was the only team in the manufacturing and applied technology category sent by Udayana University to this event. Allep Candle, Debog, Bonbon, and Dedari Drink These four teams represent the young entrepreneurs owned by FEB Unud. Allep Candle is an aromatherapy candle business made from waste cooking oil with local floral fragrances. Accompanied by Ni Nyoman Ayu Diantini, S.E., M.M., PhD, the Allep Candle business, which is included in the creative industry category, succeeded in becoming one of the two Udayana teams that qualified for the KMI Award. In other categories, there are Bonbon and Dedari Drink teams bringing innovation to the food and beverage category. Thanks to the guidance of Dr. Gede Bayu Rahanatha, S.E., M.M., Bonbon presents a cigarette substitution product for smokers who want to quit smoking, in the form of herbal candy made from red ginger and cloves. Then, the last team is Dedari Drink, a collaboration between students from FEB, FK, FISIP, and FT that presents loloh cemcem drinks in ready-to-brew tea bags.


KMI Expo, or Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship, became a meeting place for student entrepreneurs from all over Indonesia to compete, introduce their products, and form networks. KMI Expo is the culmination of P2MW activities after going through many details of activities that must be carried out, such as mentoring and mentoring, product role or title, entrepreneurship seminars, mentoring of the best entrepreneurs, business matching, and preparation of development udahan. This activity will be a forum for young entrepreneurs to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices for facing the challenges of the disruption era. In addition, it will also encourage the establishment of collaborative networks between young entrepreneurs and relevant stakeholders, such as investors, mentors, and industry experts. During KMI Expo, various activities such as entrepreneurship seminars, product exhibitions, PMW workshops, and business matches The hope is that KMI Expo will produce entrepreneurs who can adapt to market changes through innovation and cooperation and contribute to increasing the ratio of entrepreneurship to play an active role in advancing the economy in Indonesia.