FKKMK UGM Introduces New Master's Study Program to FK Unud

FKKMK UGM Introduces New Master's Study Program to FK Unud


Master of Tropical Medicine (IKT) Study Program, Faculty of Public Health Medicine and Nursing (FKKMK), Gadjah Mada University (UGM) held a Roadshow in the Accreditation Room, Floor. 3, Udayana University Faculty of Medicine Building. (Friday, 17/11/2023)


The roadshow activity was attended by a number of agencies from the Bali region, namely universities and representatives from hospitals. These universities include Udayana University, ITEKES Bintang Persada, Kartini Bali Health Polytechnic, and KKP (Port Health Office). Meanwhile, the hospitals that came consisted of the Bali Mandara General Hospital (RSU) and the Parama Sidhi Singaraja RSU.


In this activity, the IKT FKKMK UGM study program conducted outreach regarding registration procedures and various administrative requirements. The UGM FKKMK IKT Study Program has 3 main areas of interest, namely Tropical Disease Science, Molecular Biology and Immunology of Tropical Diseases and Health Entomology. Students will be fully facilitated in studying various problems in the field of health and tropical diseases, especially in terms of research and community service. One of the superior programs in this study program is One Health which focuses on studying the relationship between humans and animals to prevent disease transmission between the two through the spread of viruses or bacteria.


The roadshow activity was also attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, namely Prof. Dr. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes., who is also an alumni of the IKT study program. The activity continued with the presentation of public lecture material on "Potential Tropical Diseases in the future from Wildlife" by Prof. Dr. drh. Wayan Tunas Artama, a One Health observer from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Several alumni of the UGM IKT study program were also seen attending this activity.


The roadshow ended with the handing over of mementos from the UGM IKT Study Program to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.