Civil Engineering Student Team, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, won the Silver Medal in the NEC event

In a brilliant achievement, the Pacekulz Team, which is a team of students from the Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, succeeded in winning the Silver Medal in the National Education Competition (NEC) in the Technology Essay category. This competition, which was attended by various teams from all over the country, became the stage for the success of the Pacekulz Team and their Supervisor, Ir. Putu Cinthya Pratiwi Kardita, S.T., M.T.


Pacekulz Team members who also won this award include Putu Eka Paramartha Dharma, I Gusti Ngurah Yoga Arisaputra, Putu Bagus Satya Wirayudha, I Made Awidyattama Jayaditha, and Ngakan Gede Dipta Cahyadi. With guidance from Ir. Putu Cinthya Pratiwi Kardita, S.T., M.T., the team succeeded in writing an essay that amazed the judges. The essays not only reflect deep knowledge of technology, but also great creativity and dedication in facing the challenges of this contest.


Ir. Putu Cinthya Pratiwi Kardita, S.T., M.T. stated, "It is very encouraging to see the achievements of the Pacekulz Team. They not only represent individual abilities, but also strong team collaboration. Congratulations to all team members who have given their best."


The Pacekulz team picked the themes of their essays carefully and made valuable contributions in the field of technology. Their success in winning the Silver Medal is not only an achievement for the Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, but also creates inspiration for students and other academic communities.