Workshop on Improving Curriculum and Textbooks for Master of Kenotariatan Study Program, FH UNUD

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Denpasar, - An Outcome-Based Curriculum Refinement Workshop and Contextual-Based Textbooks were held by the Master of Kenotariatan (MKN) FH UNUD on November 13-14, 2023 at the Nusa Indah Room, Puri Nusa Indah Hotel, Denpasar. The workshop was opened directly by Koprodi MKN FH UNUD (Prof. Dr. Made Subawa, S.H., M.S.) and attended by lecturers, practitioner lecturers (notaries), alumni and students of MKN FH UNUD.

The material regarding the curriculum and textbooks was delivered by 3 speakers, namely: Prof. Dr. IGA Sri Rwa Jayanthi, S.S., M.Hum (Professor of Mahasaraswati University), Dr. I Made Pria Darsana, S.H., M.Hum (Notary/PPAT Badung Regency) and Dr. IGA Mas Rwa Jayantiari, S.H., M.Kn (Coordinator of Learning Development Unit and Quality Assurance FH UNUD). Outcome-Based Education (OBE) based curriculum improvement activities and textbooks aim to maintain and maintain the excellent accreditation status of MKN Study Program FH UNUD.