FK Unud student wins 2nd place in Hasanuddin Scientific Fair 2023

FK Unud student wins 2nd place in Hasanuddin Scientific Fair 2023


Proud and happy news came from 3 FK Unud students consisting of Luh Putu Widya Amritha Dewi (Medical Education 2020), Gusti Ayu Prema Sathya Wahini (Medical Education 2020), and Novea Indratmo (Medical Education 2021) won 2nd place at the Hasanuddin Scientific Fair 2023 event organized by the Medical Youth Research Club (MYRC) Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University.


Widya, Prema and Novea won 2nd place in the Public Poster branch with the title "Together We Prevent PCOS with PELUK!"


Their success cannot be separated from the guidance and direction of the supervisor, Dr. Nila Wahyuni, M.Fis, who always guided during the preparation of the work.


Hasanuddin Scientific Fair (HSF) is an annual scientific competition organized by Medical Youth Research Club (MYRC) Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University. This year HSF took the theme "Holistic Approaches in Endocrinology: Pioneering Breakthroughs in Endocrinology Diseases Research and Therapies".