TEAMPUG won second place in the Vetra Stock Analysis Competition.

Denpasar, Press The Bureau of BEM FEB Unud Undergraduate Management Study Program student class of 2021, I Kadek Wahyudiana Putra, together with his two colleagues from the same study program, namely I Made Lanang Pradnya Pramudya and Ni Made Savita Savita Tenaya, won second place in the Vetra Stock Analysis Competition competition. The three FEB Unud students are committed to participating in the Vetra Stock Analysis Competition by creating a team called TEAMPUG. The Vetra Stock Analysis Competition was held from August 1 to November 5, 2022, and was attended by 47 teams from 20 universities. In this competition, they were accompanied by a supervisor named Putu Agus Ardiana, SE, MM, M.Acc. Fin, Ph.D., Ak.




The twists and turns of TEAMPUG's journey to become a champion were quite difficult. In this national-level investment analysis competition organized by KSPM UPN Veteran Jakarta, Dwi, Lanang, and Savita had to compete against 32 teams to win. With a relatively short time and busy lecture activities, Dwi and his two colleagues conducted research on current issues regarding companies that have great potential and are worth investing in. Since all TEAMPUG members are active students who must follow the lecture agenda, it is not uncommon for them to need to meet deadlines to make proposals and powerpoints that will be presented. "Usually we always make time to meet online at night to find out the progress of proposals and PowerPoints,", said Lanang. However, this problem can also be well faced because Savita and her friends have already understood each other's strengths and weaknesses in holding responsibilities in their respective sections.



With quite a lot of experience in similar competitions owned by each TEAMPUG member, Dwi and his colleagues still maintain communication and emphasize that it is important to choose a solid team in terms of abilities and advantages that can complement each other. Although TEAMPUG's presentation agenda was carried out online, Lanang and his friends remained committed to giving their best and chose to gather in one place to reduce obstacles during the presentation session.



TEAMPUG decided to present a macro- and industry overview, as well as a financial analysis of the company Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. Lanang and his colleagues also presented the business risks and possible benefits of investing in the company. TEAMPUG's in-depth analysis brought them to the second podium in the Vetra Stock Analysis Competition. Through the achievements obtained by his team, Lanang also thanked his colleagues who had been committed and solid during the competition. "Thank you, my team Savita and Dwi, who have been able to be a solid team, very great and also inspirational. Hopefully you can continue to inspire other friends and become another champion in the future," said Lanang. (frd)