Socialization, Inventory and Recording of Personal and Communal Intellectual Property Works in Pengosekan, Ubud

Author: Socialization Team | Editor: UPIKS Team FH UNUD

Gianyar, - Bali Mandala Foundation in collaboration with FH UNUD and the support of the Regional Research and Innovation Agency (BRIDA) Bali, BRIDA Gianyar held a Socialization, Inventory and Recording of Personal and Communal Intellectual Property Works in Pengosekan, Ubud, Gianyar.

The Socialization of Intellectual Property (IP) raised the theme of Personal and Communal IP where the material was delivered by the Socialization Team of FH UNUD represented by Prof. Dr. Ni Ketut Supasti Dharmawan, SH., M.Hum., LLM. Socialization is also accompanied by Copyright recording activities on personal works of painting and Inventory for the purposes of recording communal works in the Pengosekan area, Ubud, Gianyar. 

The activity was held on Sunday (05/11/2023) at Balai Banjar Pengosekan, Ubud, Gianyar which received a warm welcome and was attended by the Pengosekan community, especially painting artists, as well as community officials. FH UNUD strongly supports this activity with the participation of the Coordinator of FH UNUD Law Study Program (Dr. Made Gede Subha Karma Resen, SH., MKn) in the whole series of events. The socialization team from FH UNUD is a collaboration of lecturers and students who are members of the Civil Law Clinic of FH UNUD.

The purpose of the socialization of IP, recording of personal IP and inventory in the context of recording Communal IP is to disseminate knowledge about IP, especially Copyright and Communal IP in the form of Traditional Knowledge, to the public so that they better understand the legal protection of personal IP works and Communal IP. This activity is important considering that the Pengosekan area in Ubud, Gianyar, is an area that is widely known for its art, especially painting. Although copyright adheres to an automatic protection system that does not require recording, it is important for painting artists who create paintings to record their paintings so that the Creation Registration Letter issued by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia is able to provide more protection for both moral rights and economic rights of the work, for example claims or commercialization of other parties without the author's permission. 

In this activity, students of the Civil Law Clinic FH UNUD have also conducted an experiential component through direct practice helping lecturers FH UNUD along with BRIDA Gianyar and BRIDA Bali to record personal copyrighted works on 4 (four) painters from Pengosekan until the Recording Letter has been successfully issued, namely: I Dewa Ketut Sudira (painting "Lotus"), I Dewa Made Kawan (painting "Burung Kakak Tua"), I Dewa Putu Putra Yasa ("Painting of Three Masks") and I Gusti Putu Sana (painting "Mekiis Ceremony").