FK Unud Provides Sexology Education for Doctors and Sexology Enthusiasts in Indonesia

FK Unud Provides Sexology Education for Doctors and Sexology Enthusiasts in Indonesia


The Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, through the Department of Andrology and Sexology, is again holding basic level Intensive Sexologist Education (PIS), which this time is entering its seventeenth class. PIS has long been known among sexology professionals in Indonesia as the only "brand" that is focused on continuing education-based programs because apart from being provided by sexology teachers at the Faculty of Medicine, after basic education is given it will continue with advanced education.

PIS was organized to meet the demands of medical colleagues and other professional or educational backgrounds related to human sexuality who require knowledge and practical skills in sexology from competent institutions.

PIS XVII will be held starting on October 10 2023 and ending on October 12 2023, at the Prof. Room. Dr. I Goesti Ngoerah Gde Ngoerah, Faculty of Medicine Building, Denpasar. This time PIS XVII was attended by selectively selected doctors and other scholars related to the field of sexology, who came from various regions in Indonesia.

PIS XVII involved four lecturers from the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University as resource persons, namely;

1. Prof. Dr. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And, Subsp.SAAM,

2. Prof. Dr. Dr. Alex Pangkahila, M.Sc., Subsp. SAAM,

3. dr. Made Oka Negara, M. Biomed,

4. dr. IGN Pramesemara, Biomed, Sp.And.

This event was opened by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, FK Unud, Dr. Dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT(K) followed by introductory remarks by Prof. Dr. Dr. Wimpie Pangkahila, Sp.And, Subsp.SAAM, about the enthusiasm to reintroduce sexology education amidst the rise of myths, hoaxes and disinformation about sex information, especially on various social media platforms, which is actually carried out by doctors and educated people.

The purpose of this PIS is to;

1) Provide basic knowledge of sexology so that you have better abilities in analyzing sexual problems,

2) So that doctors can diagnose and develop treatment strategies or actions to deal with sexual problems, so that they are able to provide correct treatment based on the latest developments in knowledge,

3) Participants have basic knowledge to take further sexology education.

PIS XVII begins with a pretest, ends with a posttest, consisting of lectures, discussions and case reports. The lectures given cover a variety of material including: Basic Understanding of Sexology, History of the Development of Sexology, Changes in Sexual Behavior in Indonesia, Hetero-homosexuality, Sexual Myths, Sexual Fantasies, Sexual Variations, Sexual Reaction Cycles, Male Sexual Dysfunction, Female Sexual Dysfunction, Hormones and Sex , Sex as an Indicator of Health Status, Healthy Lifestyle to Maintain Sexual Function, Sexual Counselling, Sex Therapy, and Case Reports on Sexual Problems.

All participants successfully completed this event and graduated as PIS students. Most said that they had received great benefits after attending this basic level of education. Next, you are interested in pursuing further education