UNUD Faculty of Medicine and FEB Synergy Won 2nd Place in the Java Business Competition 2023 Event

Proud news came from students of the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University who participated in the Java Business Competition (JBC) 2023. This achievement was achieved by Putu Nindya Krisnadewi Rahadi (Medicine 20), Ananda Eka Raharja (Medicine 20), and Andi Ahmad Haidir (Economics 20). The three students who are members of the "Dauhwaru Team" won 2nd place in the International Call for Paper competition. 


The name "Dauhwaru Team" is taken from the name of the village location where they carried out a real work lecture (KKN) which inspired them to create a new idea in the form of scientific writing. The theme of the competition was "The Role of Gen Z to Reach The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 Goals in Digitalization Business Society 5.0 Era".


JBC 2023 is a competition organized by Telkom University Bandung. The selection process in this competition consists of preliminary and final rounds. The preliminary round includes assessment of papers in the form of scientific papers by the jury. After that, the top 5 participants with the highest scores in the preliminary round took part in the final round which included paper presentations. This activity took place online on Saturday, September 23, 2023. This activity is also expected to be a means to motivate students as the younger generation to achieve achievements and optimize their roles to support the progress of the nation.