Spiritual Harmony and Medical Professionalism: Orthopaedic and Traumatology Specialist Study Program of FK UNUD Tirta Yatra at Tamba Waras Temple and Batukaru Temple

Spiritual Harmony and Medical Professionalism: Orthopaedic and Traumatology Specialist Study Program of FK UNUD Tirta Yatra at Tamba Waras Temple and Batukaru Temple


The Orthopaedic and Traumatology Specialist Study Program of FK UNUD organized a meaningful tirta yatra activity. The event was attended by teaching staff, residents, and staff of the study program, making this moment an inspiring spiritual journey. (October 29, 2023)


Tamba Waras Temple and Batukaru Temple witnessed this sacred journey. With great solemnity, the participants dedicated their time to melukat and tirta yatra, finding peace and spiritual purification.


Amidst their hectic schedules, this is a rare opportunity for medical professionals to unite their minds and souls outside of the clinical context. Exchanging experiences, forming deeper bonds, and honing their perspectives in a context away from their daily routines.


This trip is not just about going to sacred places, but also a reminder of the importance of balance between body, mind and soul. May their presence at Pura Tamba Waras and Pura Batukaru bring freshness and blessings to every step of the journey ahead, both in their medical profession and spirituality.