FK Unud, Ajinomoto and Databoks Campaign the Risks of Excessive Salt Consumption

FK Unud, Ajinomoto and Databoks Campaign the Risks of Excessive Salt Consumption


In order to campaign for the risks of excessive salt consumption and a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally, the Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University in collaboration with PT Katadata Indonesia and PT Ajinomoto Indonesia held a seminar with the theme "Creating a Healthy Generation Through Wise Salt Consumption" which was held at the Agrokomplek Building Nusantara Room Denpasar. (18/10/2023)


Hosted by Dr. Kadek Tresna Adhi, SKM, M. Kes, this seminar presented three speakers, namely:

1. Prof. Dr. dr. I Wayan Weta, MS, Sp.GK (K) with the material Health and Smart Salt..,

2. Dinar Saurmauli Lubis. SKM, MPH, Ph.D., with the material of Adolescent Eating Behavior

3. Jamalianuri, S.IP., M.Sc., with material on Checking Lifestyle Data and Mental Health. 


Attended by 225 participants from undergraduate students, the event was officially opened by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. dr. I Gede Eka Wiratnaya, Sp.OT (K) who in his speech expressed his gratitude to Katadata and Ajinomoto for organizing the seminar and being able to provide valid data for academics. 


"Our hope in the future is that Katadata can help the development of health in Indonesia so that in the future it will be easier to find valid data for the people of Indonesia. Regarding salt consumption, by organizing this seminar, hopefully it can provide benefits and education for students regarding adequate salt consumption." he said.


This seminar was also attended by Ade Wahjudi as Chief Operating Officer of PT Katadata Indonesia and Katarina Larasati as Public Relation Manager of PT Ajinomoto Indonesia.