Dean of Faculty of Law UNUD Gives Public Lecture at Faculty of Law Universidade Da Paz, Timor Leste

Author: UPIKS Team FH UNUD | Editor: Md Suksma PDS

Timor Leste, - A Public Lecture "The Existence of Law" was held on Monday (16/10/2023) at the Faculty of Law, Universidade Da Paz (UNPAZ), Timor Leste. The organization of this public lecture is a collaboration between FH UNUD and FH UNPAZ.

The public lecture began with remarks from the Vice Rector III of UNPAZ (Marilia Juvi Goncalves, Lic.sp., M.Kes and the Dean of the Faculty of Law UNPAZ (Dr. Leonito Ribeiro,.SH,.MH). This activity was attended by 70 people who were students of S1, S2 and S3 FH UNPAZ. Present as a resource person at the public lecture with the material "Existence of Law", Dean of FH UNUD (Prof. Dr. Putu Gede Arya Sumerta Yasa,.SH,.M.Hum). The participants of the public lecture were very enthusiastic listening to the presentation of material from the Dean of FH UNUD and continued with an active discussion.