Field Assessment of Radiology Specialist Study Program Accreditation, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University


The Health Higher Education Self-Accreditation Agency (LAM-PTKes) conducted a field assessment in the context of accreditation of the Radiology Specialist Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University. This accreditation is carried out in order to maintain and improve the quality of education and services at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.


Officially opened in the meeting room of Dr. A Made Djelantik, FK Unud-Denpasar Building, the field assessment by LAM-PTKes which will be held for 3 days on October 15 to 17, 2023 was attended by 2 assessors, namely:

1. Dr. dr. Hermina Sukmaningtyas, M.Kes., Sp.Rad (K) (Assessor 1) 

2. dr. Lies Mardiyana, Sp.Rad(K) (Assessor 2)


The opening ceremony began with remarks from the Dean of FK Unud, Prof. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes and was opened by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, M.P., IPU.


Prof. Januartha in his speech said that accreditation is a mandate of the law that must be implemented by educational institutions, and with this accreditation it can ensure that the education process really runs in accordance with the regulations and rules that have been set so that the Radiology Specialist Study Program can develop even better in the future. 

"We ask the assessor team to provide as much input and direction as possible so that in the future the Radiology Specialist Study Program can produce graduates in accordance with its vision and mission," he said.


Meanwhile Prof. Rai Maya Temaja said that most of the study programs at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University have been predicated superior and hopes that the Radiology Specialist Study Program will get the desired value, namely superior.


After the official opening, the event continued with a presentation by the Dean of FK Unud regarding the overview of the Study Program Management Unit (UPPS), as well as a presentation from the Radiology Specialist Study Program Coordinator, Dr. dr. Elysanti Dwi Martadiani, Sp.Rad (K), regarding the profile of the Radiology Specialist Study Program.


This activity was also attended by the President Director of Prof. Ngoerah Hospital, Chairperson of PDSRI Bali, Director of Unud Hospital, Chairperson of LP3M Unud, representative of the Head of USDI, representative of the Head of Unud Library, representative of the Director of Network Hospitals, Komkordik Prof. Ngoerah Hospital, Chairperson of the Faculty of Medicine Senate, Vice Deans of FK Unud, Chairperson of the Radiology Department, Study Program Coordinators, Unit Coordinators, and the entire Accreditation Task Force Team.


The agenda for this 3-day assessment is ;

1.Meeting of the assessor team with the head of the study program management unit and practice vehicle.

2.Discussion of the assessor team with the head of the Study Program management unit.

3.Interviews and assessments of lecturers who teach in the study program.

4.Interview and assessment of the adequacy of education personnel regarding academic and non-academic services.

5.Interviews and assessments with alumni and students representing all students from each batch about academic and non-academic services.

6.Visitation of the assessor team to the Main Teaching Hospital and Network Hospital.