2023 KIH FK Unud Member Deliberation


The Semi-Autonomous Body of the Hippocrates Scientific Group (KIH) FK Unud held a Member Conference on Sunday, October 8 2023. This activity carried the theme "Ignatius: Make Up Our Mind for the New Change" which was held in Lecture Room 401 402 West Building FK Unud.


Led by the Chair of the Musang KIH 2023 Committee, Kadek Wanda Meliana, the 55 committee members worked together to make the Musang KIH activities a success during two meetings, namely 8 and 15 October 2023.


The event was attended and began with remarks from the Chair of BEM FK Unud, Putu Labitha Parameswari Gustin, Chair of KIH FK Unud, Celine Aurelia Ahmad and the Advisor of the Hippocrates Scientific Group, Dr. Dr. Agung Wiwiek Indrayani, S.Ked., M.Kes., who also officially opened it.


The hope is that with this Musang, KIH FK Unud can determine the best leader to continue the management of KIH for the next year. Musang is also expected to be able to become a deliberation forum to discuss AD/ART and Strategic Plans which serve as guidelines for the running of the organization.