108 Prospective Graduates Participate in 2023 Faculty of Agriculture Judiciary

The Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University released 108 prospective graduates at the 2023 Faculty of Agriculture Judicial activities. This activity, which was held on Monday, October 9 2023, was held in the Hall of the Postgraduate Building at Udayana University and was attended by the Dean, Deputy Dean, Study Program Coordinator and Officials at environment of the Faculty of Agriculture, prospective graduates and their companions.

In this October period, prospective graduates consist of 1 person from the Agricultural Science Doctoral Study Program, 2 people from the Agricultural Biotechnology Master's Study Program, 3 people from the Agribusiness Master's Study Program, 7 people from the Landscape Architecture Bachelor's Study Program, 43 people from the Agribusiness Study Program Bachelor of Agroecotechnology, and 52 people from the Agribusiness Undergraduate Study Program. In his report, Deputy Dean I for Academic Affairs and Planning, I Putu Sudiarta, SP., M.Sc., Ph.D., said that the overall GPA of prospective graduates was above 3.5, exceeding the Higher Education standard of 2.75. Putu Sudiarta added, the highest average GPA was achieved by Master of Biotechnology graduates at 4.00, with a pass percentage of Fair at 0.93%, Satisfactory at 21.30%, Very Satisfactory at 20.37% and With Commendations at 57, 41%.

In his remarks, the Chairman of the IKAYANA Commissariat of the Faculty of Agriculture, who was represented on this occasion by the Secretary of IKAYANA, Dr. Ir. Gede Wijana, MS., expressed congratulations, hope and optimism that graduates of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University can compete in the world of work. "We as IKAYANA administrators really hope that prospective graduates, even though they have graduated, will continue to make contributions to the alma mater, whether in the form of responding to Tracer Study requests, or providing input regarding the development of learning activities in curriculum reviews," he added. The Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, Dr. Gusti Ngurah Alit Susanta Wirya, SP., M.Agr. The Dean congratulated and thanked him for his choice and hard work while a student at the Faculty of Agriculture. The Dean has high hopes for prospective graduates to improve the teaching and learning process at the Faculty of Agriculture, therefore, input or feedback is important, especially from prospective graduates who have graduated and have jobs so that curriculum adjustments in the faculty can be closer to the desires of the world of work and industry world.