Management Review Meeting of Prodi and UPPS FH UNUD

Author: UP3M Team FH UNUD | Editor: UPIKS FH UNUD Team

Denpasar, - The Management Review Meeting (RTM) of the Study Program (Prodi) and Study Program Organizing Unit (UPPS) of the Faculty of Law, Udayana University was held on Thursday, September 26, 2023. The RTM was carried out after the completion of all internal quality audits on four Study Programs in the FH environment.

The activity was attended by leaders and managers of Study Programs and UPPS which was intended to discuss the results of the audit and its follow-up in an effort to implement the Internal Mutui Assurance System (SPMI) cycle, namely at the control and improvement stages. Audit results and recommendations will guide the improvement of standard documents and fulfillment in their implementation to comply with accreditation assessment standards with 9 criteria and conversion supplements towards superior predicates. In the implementation of RTM, an outline of the procedure for implementing audit results and requests for corrective action at the Prodi and UPPS levels was prepared.