FMIPA Holds Discussion and Reporting of 2023 AMI results

Jimbaran, Tuesday 3 October 2023, Located in the MIPA Faculty meeting room, a meeting was held to discuss and report the results of the Internal Quality Audit (AMI). The meeting, which was held in connection with the implementation of risk-based AMI starting in 2023 as part of the internal quality assurance system (SPMI), which will be reported periodically and become a quality document for each accreditation criterion (National and International), was attended by all leaders at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Coordinator Study Program, UP3M, UP2M, UPIKS, Cooperation Coordinator, administration coordinator, sub-coordinator in the FMIPA environment, UP3M secretary, TPPM members of each study program in the MIPA Faculty environment.


This meeting was a follow-up to the results of an audit that had been previously carried out by LP3M (Udayana University Learning Development and Quality Assurance Institute). Every year LP3M carries out 2 audits, namely:

  1. Document audit to be carried out on September 2-15 2023, and
  2. Field Audit and Reporting to be carried out on 15-30 September 2023.


Referring to Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, Government Regulation Number 4 of 2014 concerning the Implementation of Higher Education and Management of Higher Education, Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 44 of 2015 concerning National Higher Education Standards, and Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 50 of 2014 concerning the Quality Assurance System for Higher Education, implementing quality assurance in universities is a mandatory activity so that quality assurance in higher education is something that cannot be ignored any longer by universities and is a necessity to guarantee the quality of higher education to the community.


In order to build awareness and commitment of the entire Udayana University academic community to achieve the vision of Udayana University (Unud), Udayana University considers it necessary to prepare a SPMI that applies to all elements involved in providing education at Unud. SPMI Unud is a systematic quality assurance activity at Udayana University autonomously or independently to control and improve the implementation of higher education in a planned and sustainable manner.


AMI is one of the steps in SPMI to determine the conformity of standards with implementation that has been carried out in various aspects that have been determined with the aim of:

  1. Knowing conformity or nonconformity to quality management system requirements and applicable regulations.
  2. Evaluate the capabilities of the quality management system.
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of implementing the quality management system.


Implementing AMI requires good planning to ensure that all AMI components including policy, scope of audit, auditor, time and place, as well as required documents have been properly prepared. The results of these two stages are then formulated in the AMI Report. This AMI report is then used by the Auditee to determine steps to improve SPMI which are formulated in the Management Review Meeting (RTM).