Consistently Moving To Develop Bamboo, Dr. Diah Kencana This Time Rebuilding The Menoreh Slope Bamboo Civilization
The Menoreh Slope Bamboo Civilization has so far been
managed ecologically and collaboratively to improve the welfare of the
community in Ngargoretno Village, Salaman District, Magelang Regency, Central
Java. Ngargoretno Village is one of the villages on the slopes of the Menoreh
hills on the north side, Salaman District, Magelang Regency, Central Java. One
of the endemic plants planted to prevent landslides, floods and droughts in the
Ngargoretno Village area is local native bamboo, such as petung bamboo, ori
bamboo, apple bamboo, wulung bamboo and so on.
Bamboo on the Ngargoretno slopes of the Menoreh hill
for the community has a value that is inseparable from people's lives to this
day, because it is still used as a material component in house construction,
starting from poles, pegs, roof frames and house ropes. With the various
historical, cultural and natural potential that the Ngargoretno village has
above, with the existence of a sustainable bamboo conservation program and also
the use of bamboo not only as a building material, it is hoped that it can be
used as other derivative products that have higher economic value, so that it
can increase the income of the people of Ngargoretno Village.
This sustainable bamboo conservation and bamboo
utilization training program collaborates with Lecturer in the Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology,
Udayana University, Mrs. Dr. Ir. Pande Ketut Diah Kencana, MS. The training was
held on 14-17 September 2023 and the participants in this training were Mrs.
KWT and PKK of Ngargoretno village. The training provided is processing bamboo
into several derivative products that can increase the economic value of
bamboo, in this case what is used is betung bamboo with several training
programs, including; processing of bamboo shoots, bamboo charcoal briquettes,
bamboo stem liquid smoke and bamboo leaf herbal tea. The participants were very
enthusiastic about taking part because it was the first time that training on
derivative products like this had been carried out, so that their understanding
of bamboo which they felt neglected was more open to paying more attention to bamboo,
so that it was hoped that sustainable bamboo development could be implemented
well and seriously, and the position of Ngargoretno Village which was on a
slope. Menoreh Hill will be preserved in conservation.