FVM UNUD received a visit from the House of Representatives Rrepublic of Indonesia Expertise Department.

In the context of discussing the Veterinary Education Draft Law in Indonesia, FVM UNUD received a visit from the House of Representatives Rrepublic of Indonesia (DPR RI) Expertise Department Research Team in the 1st floor Meeting Room of the FVM UNUD campus, Denpasar on Tuesday 26 September 2023. The DPR RI Expertise Body research team who attended this meeting was chaired by Nita Ariyulinda, SH, MH with members Bagus Prasetya, SH., MH, Atisa Praharini, SH., MH., Rachmat Hanifah, SH., Yulia Indahri, S.Pd., MA., Anna Kurniawati, S.IP. , M.BA was received by the Dean, Deputy Deans, Koprodi, Senate Chair and unit coordinators within FVM UNUD.

This meeting was opened by the dean of FVM UNUD, then continued with an introduction by the Indonesian DPR Expertise Agency Research Team. The main thing discussed at this meeting was the draft Draft Law on veterinary education in Indonesia. This is then continued with a discussion of each article which is the content of the Veterinary Medical Education Draft Law. Discussion of the contents of the draft Draft Law includes editorial and substantive discussions. The atmosphere at this meeting was very warm because we received a lot of input from the lecturers who took part in the meeting.



The Veterinary Education Draft Law will be an important legal basis for strengthening the position of providers of higher veterinary education in Indonesia, because currently there is no specific law covering it. This is different from medical education which already has a medical education law. In line with this, the dean of the faculty stated that the implementation of veterinary education does not yet have specific regulations so that it requires comprehensive regulations to ensure legal certainty in accordance with developments and the legal needs of society. "We in Indonesia do not yet have a specific law regarding veterinary education, so it is necessary to draft a law (ed. Veterinary education law)." said the FVM UNUD professor from Gulingan Mengwi.