Network Hospital Collaboration at Lamandau District Hospital, Central Kalimantan

Network Hospital Collaboration at Lamandau District Hospital, Central Kalimantan

The Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University accepted an invitation from the Director of Lamandau Hospital to see first hand the hospital's readiness as a network hospital for independent senior residents in Ophthalmology, ENT-Head and Neck Surgery, and Neurology. This is in line with the spirit of FK Unud in its efforts to participate in improving the quality and sustainability of health services in remote areas.

The Lamandau Hospital visitation will be held on 22-24 September 2023 as well as a cooperation agreement signing event. Director of Lamandau Regional Hospital, dr. Ning Agustina, MM directly welcomed the arrival of the FK Unud visiting team and in her speech, she expressed her gratitude for the willingness of the FK Unud team to build cooperation to improve health services in the Lamandau area, especially sending independent senior residents. The event continued with a presentation of the hospital's profile and discussions regarding the implementation of collaborative activities, as well as seeing first hand the completeness of the hospital's infrastructure and residences.

The FK Unud visitation team was led by the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Prof. Dr. I Made Ady Wirawan, MPH, PhD., and accompanied by UPIKS Coordinator Dr. Dr. Ida Ayu Ika Wahyuniari, M.Kes, Chair of the Education Coordinating Committee (Komkordik) FK Unud/RSUP Prof. Seek Dr. Dr. I Gusti Putu Suka Aryana, SpPD-KGer, FINASIM, Coordinator of the ENT-Head and Neck Surgery Specialist Study Program, Dr. Dr. Made Lelly Rahayu, SpTHT-KL and representative of the Eye Health Science Specialist Study Program, dr. I Gusti Made Ayu Juliari, SpM(K) and Neurology, Dr. Dr. Urged Ketut Indrasari Utami, Sp.S(K).